Explore Inspirations

The final step before joining the Forum is to gather inspiration. In this section, you’ll explore real-world examples of societal innovations, from the past and present, to spark your creativity. Whether you want to build a future-leading society or solve current global challenges, these examples will provide the fuel for your vision. Let your imagination soar - what will you create?



Your additional attitude suggestions


Your additional basics suggestions


Your additional Reign suggestions


Your additional Reflexions suggestions


Your additional Future suggestions

1 2 3 4 5

Build your own Society

Here are your results

Your additional Attitude suggestions

Your additional Basics suggestions

Your additional Reign suggestions

Your additional Reflexions suggestions

Your additional Future suggestions

Now share this, your own vision of a possible and better society, as inspiration or basis for discussion, with people whose ideas or opinion you respect and get them involved to think, to discuss and to combine.
Prove yourself worthy as citizen of your society, as mastermind of our world´s future.

Inspired and ready to act? Head to the Forum to share your ideas, collaborate with others, and bring your vision to life.